Saturday 30 October 2010


I see Halloween  as a load of crap, just another holiday for supermarkets to make money from. I just ignore the hype about it, but this made me laugh :)

"Mum and dad were in the spirit of the season and tried to spook their kids by staging a fake murder. 
Unfortunately, two kids between the ages of six and eight thought it was the real deal and ran out of the house to a neighbour's before mom and dad could catch up to them. The neighbor called 911."

full story here

Friday 29 October 2010

This is the calm before the storm...

"You can't destabilize us, define or label us"
"don't ever respect conventional thought without reason"

Some great lyrics there, that's why I love this band.

+1 for Facebook stalkers

"Today I'm excited to be launching Friendship Pages. They contain the public Wall posts and comments between two friends, photos in which both are tagged, Events they RSVP'd for together and more. You'll be able to see a friendship page if you are friends with one of the people and have permission to view both people's profiles."

A new feature to see friendly relationships or a tool for 'Internet stalkers' to document you behaviour. you decide, and since the seems to be be option to opt out apart from deleting your profile , decide whether or not keep your social record.